La Esquina
La Esquina
The second iteration of Tienda de Balones de Fútbol y Bolas de Trapo.
Street and ambulant stores are abundant in countries where low income people have skills but not a supporting economic infrastructure. Easily obtained materials such as natural clay, wood, and hay have been used to create more traditional accepted crafts, which are sometimes sold at such stores at side of the road.
Less traditionally, are used materials considered refuse such as old clothing, newspapers, old food wrappers, tires, and plastic bags. These, although less popular, are also used to create toys and other crafts that aren't necessary looked at as kindly as typical crafts. Often carrying the stigma of the materials from which they are made, as filthy and untouchable.
This project has made me reflect on the hierarchy of the materials with which we surround ourselves and the carelessness of our consumption. My goal is to use such materials to create toys with different communities, educate and instill awareness of this outgrowing problem.
Installation in Latino Arts Inc. in Milwaukee, WI. Part of Extensive Threads exhibition, curated by Edra Soto and Jacobo Lovo.
Materials and toy balls have been collected and donated throughout different workshop sessions.
Special thanks to:
J. Mario Contreras
Angella Kilabo
Robin Dluzen
Lynn Basa
Phillip Spangler
Mara Baker
Photo Credit:
Rosario A. Aybar